Old Coots League Board of Directors Meeting 3/23/2021


Attendees, Dave Makidon and Don Vander Horn. Joe Zerbie was unable to attend in person.

We discussed the number of committee members needed. The old board was consisted of 3, none are able to return this year. All league documents and info has been passed to Dave Makidon. Both Dave and Don will miss a number of weeks this year, so we thought we would have 3 board members and see if we could get 1 or 2 volunteer members at large that could help when some of us were missing. Dave will miss 2-3 times of 2 weeks each and Don will miss at least 1 time of 2 weeks.

Dave applied for tax exempt for state, we will wait until is comes back before withdrawing anything from the bank account. Current balance is in excess of $1200. Additionally we will have income from the $5 league dues and $1 from each golfer for each week of play. We hope to spend the most of the funds before the end of the year, keeping only enough to cover cost supplies (printer, paper, toner, etc) needed prior to the next year and the cost of breakfast at the spring opening meeting.

We discussed the idea of using some of the league funds to buy balls, ball caps, tee shirts, etc, to be given away to members. Dave and Don agreed that this use of funds is not effective as not all golfers would appreciate the same gifts.

We went over the league guidelines and noticed that the age for the green tees was not updated to 70 as was approved a number of years ago. We will change that number in the printed guidelines. Since there are a number of golfers under 70, we talked about the fairness of the white tees on #2 and #6, but decided not to suggest any changes.

We had a long discussion about the type of scramble that we play. We used to play a Texas scramble (golfer that hit tee shot does not hit second shot) and thought that that scramble caused the scores to be much closer. Since the change, the better golfer seemed to win more that others. We thought that this year we need to make a better effort in balancing the teams and track the improvement. The goal is to give everyone a chance of winning something.

Since we have a web site where we can display winnings and announcements, we decided not to have the weekly winnings put into the Holiday Island Happenings. We will only put significant announcements in the Happenings. It was also decided not to use personal emails for any league information.

Although a sign up sheet is not required, we will put one in the pro shop and monitor its use to see if it is beneficial. Prior sign up is not required for the Old Coots League. On the play day, the committee will load the names on the sign up sheet into the program and check them when the slips from the pro shop are handed to us at the sign in table.

Golfers will sign in at the table in the hallway. When teams are selected, the printed score cards and golfer starting hole list will be posted and golfers can proceed to their starting hole.

Weekly results will then be posted in the pro shop and the web site as soon as possible. Timing of the postings will be determined from normal operation.

After verbal conversation with Joe Zerbie, the following are appointed officers for 2021.

David Makidon—President

Joe Zerbie –Vice President and Treasurer

Don Vander Horn-- Secretary